Gerd Ludwig Photography

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Joseph Beuys’ Social Sculpture in Autre Magazine

In the fall of 2024, Autre Magazine featured a story on Joseph Beuys: In Defense of Nature, an exhibition at The Broad in Los Angeles, along with its offsite public reforestation project. Over the course of 20 pages, the magazine explored the mythical life and career of Joseph Beuys, featuring an in-depth conversation with Beuys scholar Andrea Gyorody and Broad curator Sarah Loyer. Accompanying their discussion were photographs of Beuys taken by Gerd Ludwig in his homeland of the Lower Rhine.

Building on the conversation between Loyer and Gyorody, Autre Magazine's editor-in-chief, Oliver Kupper, interviewed Gerd about his life and career, focusing in particular on his connection to Beuys and the significance of these iconic images taken in January 1978. The photographs were captured when Gerd and journalist Peter Sager embarked on a journey with Beuys to the Lower Rhine, retracing his origins, his roots, and the city of Kleve and its surroundings—where both his life and legend began.

Joseph Beuys: In Defense of Nature is on display at The Broad from November 16, 2024 to March 23, 2025.

Autre Magazine is available at select newsstands, and online at