Gerd Ludwig Photography

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The Long Shadow of Chernobyl App Updated

"The Long Shadow of Chernobyl" iPad app was just re-released for iOS 8, with a new design and updated material. For those who already had the earlier version, a free update is available via the App Store.

Spanning Gerd Ludwig's two decades of documentation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, the groundbreaking work explores the human and environmental impact since the disaster, including photos from Ludwig’s most recent trips to Chernobyl, taken in early 2011 as the crisis at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant was unfolding and in 2013, as the tourist industry expanded in the Exclusion Zone.

Purchase from the App Store here:

"The Long Shadow of Chernobyl" is a joint production of Gerd Ludwig Photography and Lightbox Press, now built on the ScrollMotion software platform.