The Long Shadow of Chernobyl Exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany
Of all manmade environmental catastrophes in human history, Chernobyl is considered to have caused the most lasting impact. Since his first visit in 1993, Gerd Ludwig has been documenting the aftermath of the accident in dramatic and compassionate photographs — the failed reactor, the contamination to the land, and the countless victims in the fallout regions. April 26, 2011 marked the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. At 1:23am, the nuclear power plant’s reactor #4 blew up after operators botched a safety test, triggering an explosion and a fire that burned for 10 days. The radioactive fallout spread over tens of thousands of square kilometers, driving more than a quarter of a million people permanently from their homes. It was the world’s worst nuclear accident to date. Twenty-five years later, the long shadow of Chernobyl continues to darken land and lives. Gerd Ludwig’s stunning and in-depth documentary images exemplify his own credo, "great photography touches the soul and broadens the mind".
This exhibition of over 50 photographs spanning Gerd Ludwig’s long-term project will take place at the Kunst Haus in Nuremberg Germany from October 3rd through November 25, 2012.
Kunst Haus: The Long Shadow of Chernobyl: