Gerd Ludwig Photography


Two Nights with Gerd Ludwig at Canon Hollywood Center

Join National Geographic photographer Gerd Ludwig for two nights of incredible documentary photography theory, technique, and storytelling. Both events are hosted by the new The Canon Hollywood Professional Technology and Support Center at 6060 Sunset Blvd. See parking instructions below.

Storytelling with Personal Vision, hosted by the ASMP LA and Canon

Wednesday, August 15 from 7-9pm (doors open at 6pm)

In his lecture, Gerd Ludwig will share his personal approach to intimate, layered, and complex storytelling for National Geographic Magazine and other publications. He will focus on how to capture atmosphere and mood, while maintaining a sense of place; approach strangers and photograph them in an intimate fashion; and how to use form, lighting, and color in a sophisticated manner in order to communicate emotionally as well as editorially. He will talk about how his own photographic techniques (such as his use of wide-angle lenses, high ISOs, and his use of natural light in combination with handheld TTL flash) enable him to emphasize his message.

Throughout the lecture Gerd will show work he shot for National Geographic, convey how the take was presented to the editors and how it finally ran in the magazine. This way attendees will get an inside look at how a story moves from proposal to the published magazine article.

Finally, Gerd will advise how to survive in today’s marketplace, explaining how to take advantage of crowd-funding, social networking, and new media to get a personal project financed and seen by a wider audience. As a pioneer in crowd-funding, Gerd successfully financed his most recent trip to the Chernobyl zone via Kickstarter, resulting in exhibitions, publications, and most recently, an interactive multimedia photo book in the form of the iPad app “The Long Shadow of Chernobyl”.

Register for the event here:

Shooting Digitally in Low Light, a Canon Live Learning event

Thursday, August 16 from 6-8pm

Capturing quality images at extremely high ISO’s is one of digital technology’s latest and most important advances – and its impact is nowhere more visible than in photojournalism and documentary photography. In this lecture, photographer Gerd Ludwig will show how the latest developments in digital technology provide huge advantages in low light situations and greater mobility during difficult assignments.

Several stories that appeared in National Geographic Magazine exemplify Gerd Ludwig’s use of “digital vision” to cover subjects that would otherwise have been hard or impossible to explore (Chernobyl, Moscow Never Sleeps, Russian Orthodox Church, etc). The jump to extremely high ISO digital capture has also made the handheld flash a more powerful tool in the hands of photographers. Gerd will share his use of natural light in combination with hand-held TTL flash, colored gels, and wide angle lenses to emphasize his message, to give a sense of place, maintain atmosphere, and create photo essays with a personal vision.

Register for the event here:

Street parking is free after 7pm in the area, please read signs carefully. Parking at the Sunset Media Tower located at 6255 Sunset Blvd (& Argyle) adjacent to the Coffee Bean and FedEx is $7 at a discounted rate if you mention you are with the Canon Group. Another parking option is the Grant Parking lot behind the Palladium, located at 6121 Sunset Blvd (& Argyle), they charge $10.

NewsGerd Ludwig